
We want to connect people and organizations to set steps for a cleaner world. Because alone we may go fast, but together we can go far. Clean2Antarctica is an innovation experiment, with the shared expertise of enthusiastic partners.
We sponsor C2A because the reduction of plastic and the awareness of plastic usage is very important for the future of animals and people.
Bas Buitensport
Het is niet het einddoel dat telt maar de gehele reis ernaar toe. Wij zijn blij C2A te kunnen voorzien van goede spullen die deze reis comfortabel zal maken.
We are honored and proud to contribute to Clean2Antarctica’s because we firmly believe that such initiatives make a real difference in creating a better world.
C2A is embarking on an amazing journey for a great cause and Hiber is excited to be part it!
Dutch Picture Industry
We as a film company find it super important that sustainable and innovative projects get a platform to inspire as many (child) people as possible.
C2A and Engel Workwear, a winning partnership defying the weather to make the world a better place!
This expedition is a good example of how to close the polyester loop. We strongly believe in this philosophy and support this expedition wholeheartedly.
Together we drive progress. That's why we are enthusiastic about initiatives and organizations like C2A, that, just like us, want to help the world move forward
Apex Dynamics
Mechanical drive technology is not our only shared passion. Challenge and involve the youth in such an appealing project is more important than ever
The C2A journey motivates us to become a circular enterprise, contributing to a better future. Human Chemistry, Human Solutions.