Netherlands starts new exploration

This SAIL out is the start of this adventure. With a big bang we want to invite everyone to discover what you can do yourself to create a better world. Celebrate with us, be inspired, and strengthen this Quest for Change.
Location: Buiksloterweg Amsterdam (see below)
10:00 - 12.00 Ships can be visited at the pier
11:15 Welcome by Edwin ter Velde
11:30 Speech from old generation to the new
12:30 Ships leave the pier and form fleet
13.00 Cannon shot and departure
18:00 Sail guests back in Amsterdam
You can buy a ticket to sail with us to IJmuiden on one of the ships pictured above. The Morgenster with its crew will then head for the Canary Islands and the other ships will be back in Amsterdam by 18:00.
Hydrograaf – Expedition Club
€ 50,00 | Coffee & cake, luxurious lunch and snacks excl. drinks | 145 tickets left (of 190)
On this historical steamship of the 'Koninklijke Marine' you will be immersed into the world of our Antarctica expedition. Next to the roulette table and piano you can network à la James Bond and Erwin and Frank will challenge you with a quiz to start your own 'sustainable expedition'.
Sanne Sophia – Party Sailing
€ 40,00 | Coffee & cake, lunch and snacks excl. drinks | 93 tickets left (of 145)
Aboard this 3-master you will be guest to the festive spirit of Gerie and Aukje. In the setting of this positive vibe you can also discover how you can contribute yourself to a cleaner world.
Chateauroux – Poetry at Sea
€ 30,00 | Coffee & cake, lunch and snacks excl. drinks | 14 tickets left (of 35)
This flat bottom from 1908 will turn into a podium for poetry about seafaring and sustainability. With Ellis and Saray and the help of a quiz you will discover how much impact you can have yourself and you get the chance to take the stage yourself.
LE16 - Personal and Authentic
€ 60,00 | Hearty and burgundian lunch | 12 tickets left (of 12)
On this fast and chique Lemsteraak you can enjoy the hospitality of captain Olaf. In a personal setting of max 12 sailors you will get a hearty lunch and experience Olaf's enthusiasm about the pure sailing tradition of the old days.
The various ships are participating with a huge discount. Of each ticket, €10 will support our mission with the Quest for Change.
Location: Buiksloterweg, Amsterdam.
For questions:
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